Teenagers and relationships

I think relationships are cute when it’s an intimate relationship that does not include anything that has to do with sexual stuff. Now a days everybody want to have sex, people don’t even want a relationship, they just look for what they want. We can’t say that it’s only the guys anymore. Because girls are the same now a day’s two. My question would be why? I don’t understand, maybe it’s because as you get older, you want to experience new things and everything but, it’s not right to have sex with anyone you early meet, because that how HIV comes in and other things that can be cause by having sex with a lot of people. And most teenagers relationship only last couple of weeks, maybe months. But even these early relationships are part of their lives, which means they remember everything that happened inside their relationship.
There is different types of relationships, like the romantic unisex one and long-term one..Most teenagers seem to choose sex one. But that only some there is still relationships that are loved, like when the girl is in love and the guys is two, I think that the girls are always going to get more emotionally involved than the guys. That because girls are more sentimental. To me loving a person is something cute and important, I think it’s the felling that you get when you fall in love with somebody. You feel like you found the perfect guy, but still don’t rush things. A relation is better when you know that special person is with you because they love you, not because of what you give them, referring to sex and all those stuff. I think that when you get involved in a relationship, your support to actually feel it, and experience the love that, the person has for you. A good date for me would be, when like, you go out to the movie and to eat or something, you know having fun and sharing, talking to that person you’re in love with. Teenagers that just look for sex in a relationship should just slow down and actually take their time for know this feeling.
Most guys and girls just ply around and don’t take thing seriously because maybe in the past they been in live and got there heartbroken, which I understand it takes time to get what someone do to you, when you loved someone and then to find out that the person really never love you. But you still need to give changes, everyone is at least ones is going to cry or whatever for their first love, but you got to understand that that’s live and if you never try again ,you’ll never find someone to fall in love with. I think that’s why teens don’t really take each other serious.